28 November 2010


Snow! Snow! and more Snow! Almost every morning now consists of shoveling snow. This concept seems simple however there is a science to the systematic functions of the snow shovelers. As 0700 approaches every morning someone checks for snow. If there is any snow covering the ground we prepare to move it. If not then we get to sleep another hour. It has become an interesting spectrum of outfits as we layer for the below zero temperatures and shed layers as the day progresses and our focus shifts from snow to another task. Almost every weekend we have had Young Life snow camps in camp and had some interesting events occur. For example our guest service interns have had to clean up creamers as kids used them as snowballs or the outrageous outfits let behind by different areas. Every week in itself is a new surprise. This week is our last snow camp for the winter and we will be deep cleaning different areas of camp. Our oh so handy comet all purpose cleaner will be put to use to scrub the showers and fixing a variety of over used items throughout camp. This upcoming weekend is going to be the end of our first rotation. Food service has been slow and fast, but I am sad to see it come to a close. At first I was apprehensive about being inside the entire day preping food, however it has been a huge blessing. The conversations with staff and work crew have been meaningful and the lessons learned apparent. It's been a change of pace coming from a leadership position and the center of attention to the depths of the kitchen where no one knows you exist because they don't think about where their food comes from. Within the kitchen I have learned to focus on God and take the focus off of myself and place it onto him. He is the one who deserves it, not me. Other lessons have surfaced from spending time with work crew who come up to camp for the weekend to serve ridiculous hours with no pay. Its an incredible blessing to see high schoolers come to camp for the entire weekend and wake up at 0500 to make pancakes and then continue to work beside me throughout the day until our tasks are finished. Their dedication and hard work makes the weekends flow. As we move from high school weekends into hosting ski trips our intern house is also under going some changes. The winter season has begun outside with snow and inside with construction paper. Due to the freezing cold weather of the third story of our house, the interns have constructed a new fire place to heat our house. Topped off with stockings for everyone and a family portrait, our living quarters are almost complete for the upcoming season.

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