02 November 2010


Just thought I would post a little update for anyone who is following and would like to know what has been going on. So we have been at camp for just over a month and starting to get into the flow of things. Housekeeping on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. This may seem like an easy task, however when you consider the magnitude to which this consist of for us it is a little different. The normal flow of things are on Sundays we turn over laundry, easy right... not! With over 450 campers we are washing all their sheets and towel then cleaning them and folding them ever so nicely and turning them into bed packs for the upcoming group. After all the laundry is completed which normally takes more than 8 hours with all 9 of us working then off to clean every building on property. Anything the campers use we clean. This task includes all the dorms, club room, A-team housing, game room, gym, and work crew dorms. The dorms are the biggest time consumer, it takes just over an hour for all 9 interns to turn over a dorm, cleaning bathrooms, bunks, vacuuming, cleaning windows, organizing, and of course refolding anything that does not meet our standards. Although all this cleaning would seem tedious and repetitive and often times you question yourself why you are doing this if it is just going to be used again and messed up in less than a week and you will be doing the exact same task to clean again. Here is the reason that has been shown to me, we are here to set up an environment where kids can meet Christ. From the bed pack facing a specific way to the clean toilet, these minor details are set in place to provide such a place that kids can see that the Lord of the universe has provided this camp for them to enjoy and feel his ultimate love. Serving in the way has created a new outlook on the everyday tasks that we participate in. We usually work in teams and have great time of fellowship, being goofy, and of course laughing is always involved. God created the earth as an environment for us to experience his love, whether we find it in the sunrise or how unique every flower is, He did that for us. We are able to experience some of His glory and perfect design as we observe nature and take time to let the perfection set in. His attention to detail has provided us with an unending fascination of everything created and the meaning of all that changes when you think that He has designed all of it for you to see and experience. When we look at housekeeping in this way and the idea to provide a "Christ-like" environment for kids to experience then the purpose of scrubbing every sink and folding a sheet in a specific way with intense interest in every detail we are a part of the greater picture. Use our resources that we have been blessed with to provide a detailed environment every week where campers can see God's great design in the details that we are able to attend to and show love by serving them in this specific way.

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