29 September 2010

The beginning...

So some of you have requested that I keep some sorta of blog for this upcoming year. Well since my internship will begin promptly between 3-5pm on Friday I figured it will be just as well to write down some thoughts before it begins.

I began my adventure on Sunday night with a short drive to Flagstaff. As to my late arrival the fun was just beginning. Hang out with old friends and sharing some new memories during the last few hours in Arizona. I headed out of Flagstaff at 2 am in the morning with the intention to see the sunrise near the Four Corners Monument. I don’t know if you have ever driven through the night or have experience complete darkness and silence it is amazing. Another benefit at driving during the wee hours of the morning is the limited amount of drivers you encounter, however the downfall to that is that people who drive at night are not courteous. Since the road is super dark and no street lights everyone uses their brights. The problem with that is they don’t turn them off! Whether they are behind you or coming towards you the brights remain on. Yup, NOT courteous! Actually super rude and blinding!!! Other than the uncourteous drivers the trip was great. I stopped at the four corners and took pictures of course and walked around a little bit. I drove another few hours and stopped at a creek that I stopped at a few years before to explore and have a quiet time.

After leaving the creek the drive was boring. The landscape was unchanging and the sun was out. I made a few stops for gas and some food. But other than that I had music on and just kept driving. Finally I made it through the Rocky Mountains to Colorado Springs to stay with friends. It was nice to arrive at a home and something that was not moving. Graciously they cooked dinner and we talked about life. I stayed a few days with the Thomson's loved every moment, but the time had come that I needed to continue my journey. So I drove up to Denver and decided to stop at Wash Park and have a quiet time. Colorado is amazing and gorgeous. It is such a blessing to be able to sit outside and a squirrel family enjoying their own lives a few feet from me. After hanging out for a while and drinking chocolate milk I headed over to my friend's Lilli's. She is a Young Life leader in here area and was going to the high school's homecoming football game, so I joined her. After we headed to her place to have dinner and then met up with a group from CCU for some chill time.

Finally October 1st arrives!! I met up with an old summer staffer, Lindsey Drewes, for breakfast and had a fantastic time!!! Then off to Denver Airport to pick up another intern, Alyssa. Then off to camp. So again props to God in His ultimate design of Colorado, its Fall and the Aspens have golden leaves that are falling and the streams are running!! So we ended up hiking down a non-trail to the water to take pictures. Of course I ended up falling in, however captured some amazing pictures. Which will all be posted later on...

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