10 May 2010

When we just don't know

Like always I had my music on in the background and a lyric grabbed my attention. So I search. Listen. Rewind. Dwell. And think within those words what the true mean could be. Today's song is called My Brother Jack by Paul Colman.

"We got into the car with the true believers
We could tell they were by the words they spoke
They were talking of Jesus and all He was doing
They were sharing their favs from the Holy Book
And I was with them every step of the way
'Cause I'm a believer saved by grace
And they didn't know it, in the back seat was my brother Jack

We travelled on the 2 hour journey
Singing along to gospel radio
The my brother Jack quite unexpected said
"Do you mind if I listen to my favourite band?"
And maybe it was when the singer let out a word
Four syllables long and not ever heard
In their church circles
That the believers attacked

How could you play music that evil?
How could you speak of someone's mother like that?
Whatever is pure, whatever is holy
We think on these things so here's your record back!
And maybe it was just 'cause we arrived at the place
My fellow believers didn't see his face
But red was the anger all over my brother Jack

Well I pulled them aside just before our performance
And told them the story of my brother Jack
He's not a believer but one who is searching
And I told him that Jesus loves him where he's at
And when I was speaking
Well suddenly I wondered
If we really knew why
Millions of people felt like my brother Jack
They've come to our churches and they're not coming back
Please God save our souls
And my sweet brother Jack

This is an interesting concept to consider. Is this more of a reality than we would like to admit? Could this be applied to other aspects of our lives rather than just our faith. Everyone grows up differently. Have a variety of beliefs. And choose to live their life as they see fit. What if we consider others above ourselves? How much more welcomed would others feel? How would this improve our world? Could it be a global change? Why don't we try? But then we would have to put forth energy. Exist our safe haven. Life life. Scary I know. But here is the truth to all of this.

The human body is pieced together inside the womb. We grow. Are born. Experience childhood. Graduate. Become an adult. Do whatever the adult thing you wanna do. Become old. Die. End of story for the physical body. So if we consider the truth in how temporary this life is and the limited time we have been given. Why don't we do something with that time? Like I dunno, change the world maybe! Why not. It's been done before. A lot of negative influences. Hilter, any war, main stream media, Charles Mason... But some good. Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther... Someone to go down in history for doing something. Changing the way things are. Standing up for what they believed in whether or not it was good in your eyes or not, they are well known for what they did. What is something you in your life that you would be willing to be known for? Recorded in history, for the future generation to read. What would they say about you? Will they even know you existed? Does it matter if they do or not? What if you don't care if anyone knows you? Then I ask you, what is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of living on earth if we aren't suppose to do anything will the talents we are given besides go through the stages of life then die. Honestly that just seems depressing. Conception, birth, growing, adult, elder, death. Um... NO THANK YOU! I would rather do something with my life. Change. Move. Learn. Love. Share. Explore. Improve. Fail. Travel. Grow... What do you want your life to be about? What are you going to do to make that happen? Our biggest dreams are suppose to come true... right? What are you going to do to make sure it happens? How are you going to change the world?

Back to the lyrics.
"My fellow believers didn't see his face
But red was the anger all over my brother Jack"

I wonder what would have happened if the friends had seen Jack's face? Would they have rethought their reactions? Maybe CHANGED to prevent it from happening again? What if they didn't judge him? What if they welcomed him? Put Jack FIRST! Would Jack's life then been impacted? Could the ripple effect come into play? Would Jack then change someone else's life? What if they had at least tried? We will never know because they simply would not get over themselves and consider others' feelings before themselves. SELFISH. INCONSIDERATE. RUDE! They can change this. But they have to decide themselves to make that change. You can change. You can help others. Put them first. Love them. CHANGE! Impact the world. Impact others. I pray that your impact and my own is a positive one. That when people remember how we lived our lives they would be proud, happy, joyful, and see the positive change we caused on those around us.

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