12 May 2010


So the other day I was shopping and was constantly stared at. So of course I began to try and figure out why I was so fascinating to look at to these strangers. Usually I understand when I have on a tank top and shorts because of all my tattoos. Not the case. I had on a T-shirt and jeans. Then onto make-up. Again no luck, 'cause I wasn't wearing any. Then onto how I was acting. Nope, I wasn't hyper active or bouncing off the walls like normal. I was tired and buying food. Then I realized that I was in Scottsdale where everyone had money and I looked a little outta place. The other day boredom got the best of me and I breaded my entire head. Bahama style. So I will admit I looked like a white chick who grew up in the hood and I was located in a preppie rich Scottsdale where most look like models. So I figured they were staring at me because I looked outta place, and yet they don't even know me. Not that I do fit in anyways, but... So this made me think even more. Why do people stare? When someone gets hurt people laugh and stare. A car accident. Someone dressed weird. Someone who doesn't fit in. But why? What causes people to stare? Why is different so intriguing? Why does different draw people's attention?

Is it because they want it? Do they want what you have, but don't know how to get there? The best is when people are behind you and you hear them talking about you. The perfect example of this happened the other day. I was at a different store and this time I was in a tank top. I was looking at the shelf for an item, I grabbed my item and began to turn. When a lady behind me asked me to stand still so she could finish reading my tattoo. I stood there. Then went to stand in the check out line. The couple behind me were again talking about my tattoos and how they looked. I just stood in line thinking... why? Why do people judge? Why do they insist on talking about you when they don't think you are paying attention? Do people really think I am not listening? REALLY???

All this led me to ponder and try to come up with a theory. Here is what I have come up with thus far and if you have any attentional thoughts, let me know.

Different is attractive and since it doesn't fit the "norm" it is intriguing. People want it. Why? Because they don't understand it. They desire change, but don't know how to obtain it. Accidents are intriguing, not only because it is a reminder of how unpredictable life is, but it allows our minds to image what happened? Why it happened? Whose fault was it? Did they get injured? Did they die? Do I know them? All this is stimulating and allows us to for a brief moment leave ourselves and think about something else.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

I DARE you to be different! Stand out!

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