22 May 2010


If someone would have told me when I was a yee little one that I would be a nurse when I was an adult, I surely would have laughed! My dream every since I was young was to a missionary to AIDS children in Africa. And that was the only option. Nothing else mattered. I considered seminary school or getting some sort of degree, but never thought nursing. However, like always God had something else planned.

So I found myself sitting in the adviser's office the end of sophomore year in high school debating whether to take 3D art or video communications internship. Both which I loved and would gladly take. Good ole' high school screwed up my schedule and I was given CNA (certified nursing assistant) class. Yeah what is that is what I was thinking. Oh and don't forget it begins two weeks early than all my other courses, is at a different high school, and is super early in the morning :( But I obeyed and began classes at our rival school. So every morning I would get into my run down mini van that had 15 inch subs in the back and a spray paint paint job. Of course the convenience of playing sports I had to wear my jersey on game days. Yeah, not so much fun when you attend your rival school wearing a jersey they hate. So you can image I was welcomed with open arms, NOT! I continued in this course with no problems and while junior year was ending I was going to test for my CNA. Right before classes ended my teacher pulled me into her office. I thought, what did I do this time! She told me that she had put my name into another nursing program at EVIT (a technical school for high school drop outs). I had no idea what she was talking about or what a LPN (License Practical Nurse) was. But i received the information and reviewed it. I received my CNA that summer and worked one 12 hour shift. I disliked it greatly and decided to see what the LPN program had to offer.

Again this program began before all my other classes. A freakin' month early! So going into senior year I attended a meeting about the program and left telling my mom I didn't to spend time actually trying senior year and I had no interest in the program. Yet again God stepped in! I was one of 19 students selected for this program and it was put on my schedule. It was too late in the summer to change to electives so I began class a month early. Not knowing what I got myself into we were studying medication conversions for 6 hours a day 4 days a week. Talk about a summer :( We took our exam and only 17 students continued. I was given a week off and then senior year began. Time flew between LPN college courses, senior classes, basketball, leading younglife, leading youth group, working, and living life. I had to quit basketball because my knee couldn't handle it, plus the commute from clinicals in scrubs and changing into my jersey to arrive just as a game began wasn't working.

Senior year was coming to an end and the LPN course ended a month early so what would a typical senior high school do. Stay with just two high school classes and coast through the rest of the year. Of course NOT. I went immediately into my pre-reqs for college. Three graduations later I was enrolled in a full load for summer. Don't be fooled. I didn't slow down there. My first official college term I took 18 credits in the classroom and another 9 online. Yeah I was 17. Somehow I found time to text for state boards to get my LPN. I passed. I began working as a nurse and EKG tech. Figured out two jobs, leading younglife, 26 college credits, and having a social life wasn't working. So I quit the EKG position. Completing a few more terms I was placed back into the RN (Registered Nurse) program. Graduating May 2009 with my Associated in Applied Science RN. Of course a break is not necessary. So I went directly into the RN to BSN program (Bachelors of Nursing Science). Of course it has to be the accelerated program. Coming to a close I have a few short months left and I will soon have my BSN-RN.

Thinking back now I went from an art kid to a nurse and now I am going to work at a camp. There almost seems to be logic behind that...NOT! But here is the real deal. It is not in my hands. My life is not my own. I refuse to take credit for these series of events and the results that have occurred. Do not think that I am not appreciative of them. I am. God knows I am (literally). But it was not my design. Not my plan. However God knows me well (duh, He created you!). I love nursing and would not change my profession for anything!!! But I still have no idea what the future actually holds for me or where I will be in a year, 5 years, or 10!

I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back tot he place from which I sent you into exile. Jeremiah 29: 11-14

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