20 March 2010

What is means to live

So the other day I was asked, what does it means to live life? Interesting concept. My definition of living life, is that you end the day with no regrets and with complete satisfaction. This looks different for every individual and can be defined based upon perspective. As far as my own life and what I do to accomplish living life on a daily basis. I really have no idea. I love to live, but really to define that, there are no words.

So an example will have to do. In order for me to begin the day properly I prefer not to wake up before 11am and preferably to good music. Change my clothing to an equally comfortable outfit as my PJs, then decide what to do. This almost always consists of some outdoor or something that results with an adrenaline rush. I have learned over the years to approach every extreme activity with a certain amount of caution as well as safety equipment. I grab the necessary safe items, ipod, camelbak, and anything else needed. Head out to the mountain where I blast whatever music I am in the mood for. Then arrive at the necessary destination and begin the journey. Whatever that journey looks like at that particular time. There is a specific rush that is obtained when setting off on a hike with nothing but the music you love and nature all around you or to accomplish the summit and observe the earth from a bird's eye view. Or even riding a bike, challenging yourself with every move, and believing that the next turn or jump will not cause physical harm, all the meanwhile feeding off the unknown and striving for the end, whatever "the end" looks like at that moment.

Honestly thinking about it, I am never thinking about the end except at the beginning. Why is this? Why am I am able to lose myself in the middle, but know the start and the finish at the beginning. However not worrying about it in the middle? The freedom that comes in the middle of an adventure as you lose yourself in the activity and no longer worry about anything except your next move. No longer focusing on the past or the future, but fully living in the present, in that specific moment. I believe this is the definition of living life as defined by me. Living in the moment with no regard to what has happened or what will happen, but enjoying the breath you are given here and now. And somehow knowing that the breath exiting your lungs was a gift given to you to enjoy for that moment and everything you have ever known can change in a moment as you breath your last breath.

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