21 March 2010

A day like today

Where do we get the motivation to do anything with our lives? Why are some people more ambitious than others? What is pushing those people? I want whatever it is. Not for the moment. Not for the day. But for my life. How can I obtain this? Where do I start? Someone once told me that if you can't see a blessing then you aren't looking. Am I blind to how to live a meaningful life? When it comes to the day and what it holds, it really is only last 24 hours long. Then it is gone. Never to return again. Once a moments has past it is gone forever. Why then do we insist on defining ourselves on what was or who we were. Instead we need to focus on the here and now. How are we going to change this moment, this time, and this day? You never know when it will be your last.

Throughout my life there has been a common theme I haven't been able to forget and don't think I want to. This is that; yesterday existed, today is here, and tomorrow is not promised. Who is to say that today couldn't or wont be my last day. The future is truly unknown. It really is someone's best guess, and yet, we fall short and honestly don't have a clue what it actually looks like.

What if we did know our future, every step, and what will happen later? Does this take away free will? Frankly I don't want to know, because then the experience of living life is completely taken away. If someone told me I was going to own my own business, have an amazing family, and wouldn't have to worry about anything in life. Why would I try anymore if this was already determined? Would you try if everything was already going to be handed to you? Boring! I don't want that, and refuse to accept a predestined future. I would rather leave it unknown, a blank slate in which my creativity can take over.

God knew this at the beginning when He created us. He didn't want to create robots that did everything He wanted, when He wanted. Where is the good in that? God knew that without free choice, then humans are nothing but under His control. Does a robot love it's creator? Does a robot have fun? Explore? Learn? Create? Have relationships? Does a robot have anything that is not forced? A robot will not love in return unless that master tells it to. Is this the love the master wants? Forced, conditional, and fake? No! No one truly wants to force others to love them, if they do then they are deeply confused on what love is, and even when they have forced others to love them, they are never satisfied. They insist and keep forcing others to love them in an endless cycle that will always result in loathing of self.

An example of this is found with an abuse situation in a relationship. One partner needs and desires the love of the other, and does anything to obtain it. The other partner will give the "love" out of fear of abuse and both are never really getting what they truly desire. Love. True, pure, unconditional love that every human is searching for and always striving to find. The only time we will find this is from God. He loves us! Not because of anything we have done! Nothing we can earn! He loves us because He created us and saw that it was good.

"And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." Genesis 1:31

This idea challenges me to live in the moment, the day, and see it as a blessing. I have discovered this a motivation to receive what I have been given and to live in love. I am loved. You are loved. We are loved. What else could motivate us more to live?

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