26 March 2010


Just some numbers:
Tall Mocha: $3.30
Tall Iced Caramel Macchiato $2.80
Frappé $4.15

According to starbucks marketing, 25,000,000 per week consuming starbucks.
Multiply that by 52 weeks in a year.
Equals 2,744,000,000

On average the typical starbucks drinker consumes 4 beverages a week.
Lets say they choose to get a Venti Iced Carmel Macchiato each time, at $ 3.80 each.
So per week this example consumers is spending $15.20 per week.
Time 52 weeks.
$790.40 is spent per year.

Lets compared this information to the typical person who donates to any organization to help others.

In America 83% of adults claim to be donating every year. Although all those donations combined at up to $1,220 in one year.

The average starbucks drinking spends more in two weeks ($1580.80) than 83% of Americans in a year ($1,220). I don't know about anyone else, but these seems outrageous to me.

To compare all this to something that can actually be done.

In Ghana, Africa is costs approximately $66 per year to feed a child three meals every day.

Starving child in Africa ($66) average starbucks consumer yearly ($790.40). Interesting...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, its Prescot again. Though I agree with you on the responsiblity we as humans have to one another. However, people have a right to spend their money in whatever way they wish, as much as they wish. This doesnt mean a person wouldnt get more satisfaction in helping others than taking a sip of a rediculously expensive coffee drink. I commend you for you love of people and desire to help them by not only bringing attention to issues around the world but also wishing to put your own two hands at work within the world.
