28 May 2010

Free Write

At times like this we wonder why we have existed and why things have to happen this way or another, but the cool thing is we really have no need to worry, everything that is to come will be done and we will eventually have no more suffering and no longer be sad, but loved when the timing is right, exact, and forever!

Its funny how things happen
At your lowest point
Someone walks in
And changes your path
Not knowing then
But now looking back
You can see the timing
Exact, precise, needed
At that exact moment
The precise person
Who was needed
Walked in
How strange and unusually
Against all odds
Not knowing then
But they will continue with you
On this journey we call life
Beside you at every turn
A whispering voice
And a stern hold
They will forever change us
Not knowing then
But knowing now
All things have a purpose
A time
A reason
To fulfill a design
That was created before time
Before your life began
And before you realized someone care that much

Enough to know your name
To be called His own
To be loved
To be care for
And to be wanted
Our greatest desire is to be loved
And He does that
With no boundaries,
With no judgement
Pure, true, and everlasting
Nothing we do changes His love for us.

1 comment:

  1. A) did you write this? B) I freaking misss you C) Can we chat tomorrow
