08 September 2011

Columbine Lake

Low and behold we had a day off and just the night before the brillant idea of hiking was placed in my head by Corinne. Sure, why not? I thought. So early today I set out on a trek to Columbine Lake. Like any good space cadet I researched directions the night before, so I headed towards Tabernash, taking county rd 83 which turns into 84 and continuing on 84 for 12 miles. This is your typical dirt, not well taken care of road that you are suppose to go 30 mph on, however you can't stay above 20 mph, because one of your tires may disappear into a hole. I drove past the reservoir and continued to the Junco Lake Trailhead, which actually has nothing to do with where I was going, but that is where I was told to begin.

The trail was secluded and through the trees, and it rain alongside a creek. It was overcast for most of the trail and then the thunder started up, but luckily I was only hit by a few minutes of hail and then just clouds again. I soon came to a split in the trail, go left and climb to the divide, or choose right and head towards Columbine Lake.

Of course I decided to do the longer, more difficult, and steeper trail, Caribou Pass. Little did I know at this time, but I was headed to the Continental Divide. As I hiked I passed different bodies of water and different plants, but other than that I didn't see any animals or people.

So, this may have not been the best idea I ever had, but I decided to pursue wherever this trail led me. I ended up at the top of the mountain I saw when I left my car, but now there were too many choices to make.

Just over the cliff was two lakes and I was tempted to figure out where some trails led to, but since I was by myself I decided I should stay on some sort of trail. The only sign at the top of

the mountain was Caribou Pass which is where I just came from. I unfortunately didn't bring a map either, so I had three choices. One to go back the way I came, which was boring and I still had plenty of time to explore. Option two was to head to my left and option three, head to the right. Since I could see where option three led I decided to go for the mystery path that I still have no idea what it is called. I headed to my right.

Mind you at my car the temperature was a nice 60 degrees, as I progressed up the mountain the wind increased, there was still snow around, and it was about 40 degrees.
At this point I am realizing that my layers are great, however I needed to bring gloves, a beanie, and probably a face mask. Since I didn't have all that I decided to continue on, of course! Mind you, the path that I came from was developed and was maintained by use. This new path was another story.

First off it was on the side of a mountain, where one wrong move would send you down a mile rock slide, not very comfortable if you ask me. The other down side to this new trail was the rock piles blocking the path due to recent avalanches (I blame it on the "earthquake"). So continuing on this path was not only challenging, but also freezing. I had to take breaks from the wind and hide in the rocks, meanwhile trying to pull up some sort of map on my phone to tell me if it was worth continuing on or not. I couldn't pull up a detailed enough map, so I decided to trek along some more and see what would happen.

Low and behold just around the next turn was a beautiful lake.

I decided to explore around this lake for a while, until 5pm which is the time I set out to start heading back wherever I was so it would be mostly light on my decent. I have since found out that the trail I decided to take is called Fourth of July Trail and the beautiful lake that I found is Lake Dorothy. Fun facts about Dorothy, it is the highest lake in the Indian Peak Wilderness, it is about 100 feet deep, houses large trout, the majority of the water comes from Mountain Neva which is the backside of the lake (mind you there was still a significant amount of snow here), and the lake is at 12,061 feet.

Heading down the mountain presented itself with the same challenges as coming up. Avalanche residue covering the path, super cold wind, and of course my favorite hail! I occasionally looked at my compass to make sure I was at least headed in the direction I wanted to go. Then I thought about my initial purpose of this trip, to see Lake Columbine. So instead of meeting up with the trail, I decided to go straight down the mountain in the direction I thought it would be. Not one of my best ideas over. Each step included sliding a few more inches because it was too steep, in addition there was no way of actually telling where the ground was because I was walking through the forest. Plants up to my knees, creeks all over the place, plus blind stepping only to slide more. Well at least it kept things interesting. Eventually I ended up at Lake Columbine, it was everything that I was told that is was suppose to be.
Gorgeous and with Mount Neva behind it, it was amazing. After taking pictures and journaling a little, I decided it was time to head back to my car, also considering that I was freezing. I began the trek backwards on a trail that I have never seen. So, here goes another adventure. I pulled out my compass again and decided to head in a direction. After overcoming a few obstacles such as a 10 foot cliff that I was on top of and of course the unexpected creeks, I managed to head in the direction of my car. Shortly after I found a "trail."

Who knows who made this one, but it was terrible, it dead-ended, went through creeks, and there were way too many trees that feel on the so called "path." I came across a few small waterfalls and then finally came across a trail that looked real. I began taking this back, now remember I have never seen this trail or been on it before. Therefore I continued to check my compass to make sure I was at least headed in the correct direction. To add in another helpful factor, the sun went down.
So now I am on a trail that I have never seen in the dark. I am thankful it was a full moon tonight and I was able to walk with the moon behind me, and I could see my shadow that was
casted down through the trees. Eventually I made it to my car and began driving the 12 miles back to the highway. According to my calculations my trip was about 25,566 steps which is about 11.5 miles burning 981 kcal, gaining more than 2,000 feet and taking me just over 7 hours. All to say that is was completely worth it and I would do it again tomorrow, well maybe not tomorrow because I am going to be sore, but perhaps next week!

30 August 2011


Ever since I was a youngin

I was taught t count and draw

But what effect does that have on me now

I am here on the pavement

Without an address

In a box I live

Have no money

I have no food

But that will never break me

Cause my heart is strong

I can’t be broken

No matter how had it becomes

I am strong

I am here

My heart is heavy with the burden

But all I have to do it let go

I am then forgiven

And my heart becomes free

I try not to sin

But it is human nature

I will never be perfect

But I sure can try

I see you glaring down on me

What have I every done to you

I have respected you

And still you shun me

Why are you doing this

Why cant you see

I was just like you

Until evil took over

I was consumed

Left for dead

Unable to see

But then I believe in him

And I was forgiven

Just as you can be

He will show you the way

The true life

Don’t let the underdog take you

Find a way and believe

Cause that is the only way

28 November 2010


Snow! Snow! and more Snow! Almost every morning now consists of shoveling snow. This concept seems simple however there is a science to the systematic functions of the snow shovelers. As 0700 approaches every morning someone checks for snow. If there is any snow covering the ground we prepare to move it. If not then we get to sleep another hour. It has become an interesting spectrum of outfits as we layer for the below zero temperatures and shed layers as the day progresses and our focus shifts from snow to another task. Almost every weekend we have had Young Life snow camps in camp and had some interesting events occur. For example our guest service interns have had to clean up creamers as kids used them as snowballs or the outrageous outfits let behind by different areas. Every week in itself is a new surprise. This week is our last snow camp for the winter and we will be deep cleaning different areas of camp. Our oh so handy comet all purpose cleaner will be put to use to scrub the showers and fixing a variety of over used items throughout camp. This upcoming weekend is going to be the end of our first rotation. Food service has been slow and fast, but I am sad to see it come to a close. At first I was apprehensive about being inside the entire day preping food, however it has been a huge blessing. The conversations with staff and work crew have been meaningful and the lessons learned apparent. It's been a change of pace coming from a leadership position and the center of attention to the depths of the kitchen where no one knows you exist because they don't think about where their food comes from. Within the kitchen I have learned to focus on God and take the focus off of myself and place it onto him. He is the one who deserves it, not me. Other lessons have surfaced from spending time with work crew who come up to camp for the weekend to serve ridiculous hours with no pay. Its an incredible blessing to see high schoolers come to camp for the entire weekend and wake up at 0500 to make pancakes and then continue to work beside me throughout the day until our tasks are finished. Their dedication and hard work makes the weekends flow. As we move from high school weekends into hosting ski trips our intern house is also under going some changes. The winter season has begun outside with snow and inside with construction paper. Due to the freezing cold weather of the third story of our house, the interns have constructed a new fire place to heat our house. Topped off with stockings for everyone and a family portrait, our living quarters are almost complete for the upcoming season.

02 November 2010


Just thought I would post a little update for anyone who is following and would like to know what has been going on. So we have been at camp for just over a month and starting to get into the flow of things. Housekeeping on Sunday, Monday, and Thursday. This may seem like an easy task, however when you consider the magnitude to which this consist of for us it is a little different. The normal flow of things are on Sundays we turn over laundry, easy right... not! With over 450 campers we are washing all their sheets and towel then cleaning them and folding them ever so nicely and turning them into bed packs for the upcoming group. After all the laundry is completed which normally takes more than 8 hours with all 9 of us working then off to clean every building on property. Anything the campers use we clean. This task includes all the dorms, club room, A-team housing, game room, gym, and work crew dorms. The dorms are the biggest time consumer, it takes just over an hour for all 9 interns to turn over a dorm, cleaning bathrooms, bunks, vacuuming, cleaning windows, organizing, and of course refolding anything that does not meet our standards. Although all this cleaning would seem tedious and repetitive and often times you question yourself why you are doing this if it is just going to be used again and messed up in less than a week and you will be doing the exact same task to clean again. Here is the reason that has been shown to me, we are here to set up an environment where kids can meet Christ. From the bed pack facing a specific way to the clean toilet, these minor details are set in place to provide such a place that kids can see that the Lord of the universe has provided this camp for them to enjoy and feel his ultimate love. Serving in the way has created a new outlook on the everyday tasks that we participate in. We usually work in teams and have great time of fellowship, being goofy, and of course laughing is always involved. God created the earth as an environment for us to experience his love, whether we find it in the sunrise or how unique every flower is, He did that for us. We are able to experience some of His glory and perfect design as we observe nature and take time to let the perfection set in. His attention to detail has provided us with an unending fascination of everything created and the meaning of all that changes when you think that He has designed all of it for you to see and experience. When we look at housekeeping in this way and the idea to provide a "Christ-like" environment for kids to experience then the purpose of scrubbing every sink and folding a sheet in a specific way with intense interest in every detail we are a part of the greater picture. Use our resources that we have been blessed with to provide a detailed environment every week where campers can see God's great design in the details that we are able to attend to and show love by serving them in this specific way.

29 September 2010

The beginning...

So some of you have requested that I keep some sorta of blog for this upcoming year. Well since my internship will begin promptly between 3-5pm on Friday I figured it will be just as well to write down some thoughts before it begins.

I began my adventure on Sunday night with a short drive to Flagstaff. As to my late arrival the fun was just beginning. Hang out with old friends and sharing some new memories during the last few hours in Arizona. I headed out of Flagstaff at 2 am in the morning with the intention to see the sunrise near the Four Corners Monument. I don’t know if you have ever driven through the night or have experience complete darkness and silence it is amazing. Another benefit at driving during the wee hours of the morning is the limited amount of drivers you encounter, however the downfall to that is that people who drive at night are not courteous. Since the road is super dark and no street lights everyone uses their brights. The problem with that is they don’t turn them off! Whether they are behind you or coming towards you the brights remain on. Yup, NOT courteous! Actually super rude and blinding!!! Other than the uncourteous drivers the trip was great. I stopped at the four corners and took pictures of course and walked around a little bit. I drove another few hours and stopped at a creek that I stopped at a few years before to explore and have a quiet time.

After leaving the creek the drive was boring. The landscape was unchanging and the sun was out. I made a few stops for gas and some food. But other than that I had music on and just kept driving. Finally I made it through the Rocky Mountains to Colorado Springs to stay with friends. It was nice to arrive at a home and something that was not moving. Graciously they cooked dinner and we talked about life. I stayed a few days with the Thomson's loved every moment, but the time had come that I needed to continue my journey. So I drove up to Denver and decided to stop at Wash Park and have a quiet time. Colorado is amazing and gorgeous. It is such a blessing to be able to sit outside and a squirrel family enjoying their own lives a few feet from me. After hanging out for a while and drinking chocolate milk I headed over to my friend's Lilli's. She is a Young Life leader in here area and was going to the high school's homecoming football game, so I joined her. After we headed to her place to have dinner and then met up with a group from CCU for some chill time.

Finally October 1st arrives!! I met up with an old summer staffer, Lindsey Drewes, for breakfast and had a fantastic time!!! Then off to Denver Airport to pick up another intern, Alyssa. Then off to camp. So again props to God in His ultimate design of Colorado, its Fall and the Aspens have golden leaves that are falling and the streams are running!! So we ended up hiking down a non-trail to the water to take pictures. Of course I ended up falling in, however captured some amazing pictures. Which will all be posted later on...

25 August 2010

Ezekiel 37

There will be a great number of you who will ask what my newest tattoo means and why I have it. As much as everyone knows how much I love to talk and am willing to explain things over and over again. I would like to take some time to explain it in writing not only so the number of times I explain it will decrease, but also in hopes that you will be able to gain something unique from

The text that has inspired the piece is Ezekiel 37:1-14. Here is a little history of the book Ezekiel which was written by Ezekiel who was an Israelite priest and prophet during 593 B.C. to 571 B.C.
The book covers the siege of Jerusalem, God's judgment against the city and it's temple, the fall of Jerusalem, and then focuses on the hope for a future. Ezekiel is described as a "verbal picture book" and he spoke in prose rather then poetry. Chapter 37 talks about the resurrection and the people being brought t life by the word and spirit of
Yahweh. The passage below is directly from the English Standard Version and has the side notes integrated wherever the words varied in the original text.

"The hand of the LORD was upon me, and he brought me out in the Spirit of the LORD and set me down in the middle of the valley (plain); it was full of bones. And he led me around among them, and behold, there were very many on the surface of the valley, and behold, they were very dry. And he said to me, "Son of man, can these bones live?" And I answered, "O Lord GOD, you know." Then he said to me, "Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. Thus says the Lord GOD to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath (spirit) to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews (tendon) upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath (spirit) in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the LORD."

So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I prophesied, there was a sound, and behold, a rattling (earthquake), and the bones came together, bone to its bone. And I looked, and behold, there were sinews (tendon) on them, and flesh had come upon them, and skin had covered them. But there was no breath (spirit) in them. Then he said to me, "Prophesy to the breath (spirit); prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, Thus says the Lord GOD: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live." So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath (spirit) came into them, and they lived and stood on their feet, an exceedingly great army.

Then he said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. Behold, they say, 'Our bones are dried up, and our hope is lost; we are indeed cut off.' Therefore prophesy, and say to them,

Thus says the Lord GOD: Behold, I will open your graves and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will bring you into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves, and raise you from your graves, O my people. And I will put my Spirit (breath) within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it, declares the LORD."

After reading the passage the tattoo pretty much explains itself. However, like all the other tattoos I have there is a specific meaning and purpose behind them. In the beginning of this passage Ezekiel argues with God and doesn't want to do what he is told. This seems to be a common reaction among anyone that I have talked to. But as you see through the passage, God fulfills what He promises even when we want to be rebellious and don't understand fully what we are doing. Another meaning is breath, we all breathe without thinking and out body will adjust to the environment which we are in. When we take time and focus on our breathing and initiate taking a breath we become involved and know what is going on. But the other times we are complete oblivious. The spirit has been given to us to accept or deny, however its presence is constantly around us and it is up to us to recognize it and concentrate in order to know what is going on. Third is the promise God has for Israel. We are all familiar with Israel's history and how many times people have cried for help. God hears their cry and raises up a great army. This promise gives us hope of a resurrection and prophesy coming true. God tells us something, then he delivers, but it may not be in the time frame that we demand it to be done, but it will be done. Be patient. Although there is a lot more meaning behind this should give you a glimpse behind my newest tattoo and if you have questions after reading this please ask me.

02 July 2010

Driver's Seat

In Arizona there is no law prohibiting a passenger to ride in the back of a pick-up truck. This is the fun fact that ran through my head when I saw a young male riding in the bed of a pick-up as I was driving today. My next thought was, 'it is 110 outside and it must be really hot to be back there.' I really didn't think much of any of this until I started to write down some of my thoughts throughout the day. This event reminded me of story I heard when I was young that depicts there perfect analogy for how our relationship with Christ should be. As we begin to understand life and make our own choices we take the driver's seat. We go where we want to go, decide the speed, design our own path, set goals, pick up others, and we ultimately make every choice based on what we want. Then we hear about Christ and He gets into our car. As we are learning about who he is and what it means to believe in Him, we slowly but surely trust in him. Eventually we make the choice to let him drive.
We surrender control. This is where the original story I heard ended, and where my comments begin. Although we have made the decision to allow him to drive (accept him into our hearts) we have the initial surrendering point when we get out of the car and make the choice to sit in the passenger seat. As He begins driving we don't like where he is going or tell him to go faster and sometime we reach for the wheel and pull it in the direction we want to go. Our selfishness. We think we are right. We want to decide. The car mimics our outburst and swerves all over the road. Maybe we hit the railing and damage our car. Now we have to wait till it is fixed again. Or our outburst didn't ruin the car, but grabbing the wheel made our course less enjoyable. Jesus didn't fight against out rebellion, He allowed it to happen. Our intercession disrupted our ride, but Jesus sat in the driver's seat and watched everything happen, with a look of love in his eyes as we act out. Once we let go of the wheel, He places his hand back on the steering wheel. We continue the on the journey.
As we sit in the passenger seat we can look around, not worry about when we need to fill up the tank, or what turns are being made to get there. But again our boredom and need for control takes over again and we turn up the music or give directions to the driver. Again we cause a disturbance, but like the other, it is only temporary. Eventually after being in the front seat long enough we decide to make another choice. We get into the back seat and can no longer control the radio or reach for the wheel. We make the choice to trust Jesus more and ourselves less. We become like children.
But in the back seat we don't agree with the choices the driver is making and yell out directions and tell Him to speed up or slow down. He listens to us. This goes on for a while, but we begin to learn that our directions are not nearly as good as His and we learn to stay quiet and enjoy the scenery. Our last move is the back of the pick-up, just like the young man I saw earlier today. We make the choice to get into the back. Where there is no comfortable seat, no seat belt, and we have no control. But just like the young man I saw earlier, he was completely content on where he was, relaxed, enjoying the view, smiling at things that were pleasing, he was simply there for the ride.
In the bed of a pick-up you have no control. You have no direct communication with the driver, but you have put your trust in them fully. Trusting that they will keep you safe and not depending on a seat belt. You trust them to signal and look before switching lanes. Trust them to get you to where you need to be going. When you make the choice to sit in the back of the pick-up and let Jesus take you to where you need to be. There are no worries because you are taken care of. Your only task know is to enjoying the ride and your surroundings.

03 June 2010


In our culture today tattoos are becoming widely accepted and more common. This is interesting to me because their history is not represented in what they stand for today. They can be found on mummies and soldiers dating back before Christ was born. Tattoos use to represent tribes, identify Holocaust victims, spiritual growth accomplishments, decoration, right of passage, or punishment. Today the purpose ranges from drunken mistake to body modification. I personal see tattoos as art and an outward representation of who we are. I myself currently have 6 tattoos and will continue to draw more up. For me, they each have a story, a meaning, a purpose, and I enjoy having them, and plan on getting more. Having a tattoo automatically initiates conversations with strangers even when you don't want to talk to anyone. Throughout my travels I have found it very interesting what people choose to ask you about your tattoo verses thing you think they would ask. Some simply make under the breath comments, others literally hold onto me and say "stay, I'm not done looking." One thing I have learned about having ink, is to always be ready for a conversation. I'll give you a few examples of what I am talking about. I was at the store picking up some items and I was facing the wall when I felt a hand on my shoulder. A young lady said, "can you just stand still for a second I am not done looking." So like always I stood there a minute or so longer and then walked away to purchase my items. As I was standing in the check out line a couple behind me were discussing between themselves in a whisper saying, "it just shows up and looks so much better on white people." I chose not turn around and ask questions, instead I continued to ease drop on a conversation about me. Another example, I was at a piercing place to get new jewelry, and you would think that the people working at this type of place would be well adjusted to tattoos and piercing considering the large population of people who come to these store have a lot of both. And yet I found myself being examined by the piercer, he was behind me knelt on the ground looking at my legs while I was looking at jewelry. The guy behind the counter said, "Andy what are you doing on the floor?" Andy's responds, "looking at her tattoos, they are awesome," and then he continued to ask me the meaning of them and the translation of others. Interesting enough these situations have occurred within the past month. Although not everyone is accepting of tattoos and others will show instant judgment on their face. It isn't about them! It's about me living my life and they just happen to be involved for a minute or two or longer. I am a firm believer in accepting others for who they are in their core, not but their appearance. To accomplish this and apply it to daily life it begins with the acceptance of self and who you really are. In a variety of interactions with others I have learned that most people are most judgmental on things they are insecure with in themselves. This is an interesting concept and also mind boggling. If this is completely true you can get to know someone's deepest secret but what they say about others. Interesting eh? I challenge you to true this theory out in your own life. Observe, NOT JUDGE others in daily interactions and see how they converse with people around them. And I dare you to talk with people you normally would avoid with all effort because you think they are weird or scary or mean. Go and talk to them and get to know who they are in their core, and stop judging them by their outward appearance!

If you have questions, post um up!!!

28 May 2010

Free Write

At times like this we wonder why we have existed and why things have to happen this way or another, but the cool thing is we really have no need to worry, everything that is to come will be done and we will eventually have no more suffering and no longer be sad, but loved when the timing is right, exact, and forever!

Its funny how things happen
At your lowest point
Someone walks in
And changes your path
Not knowing then
But now looking back
You can see the timing
Exact, precise, needed
At that exact moment
The precise person
Who was needed
Walked in
How strange and unusually
Against all odds
Not knowing then
But they will continue with you
On this journey we call life
Beside you at every turn
A whispering voice
And a stern hold
They will forever change us
Not knowing then
But knowing now
All things have a purpose
A time
A reason
To fulfill a design
That was created before time
Before your life began
And before you realized someone care that much

Enough to know your name
To be called His own
To be loved
To be care for
And to be wanted
Our greatest desire is to be loved
And He does that
With no boundaries,
With no judgement
Pure, true, and everlasting
Nothing we do changes His love for us.

22 May 2010


If someone would have told me when I was a yee little one that I would be a nurse when I was an adult, I surely would have laughed! My dream every since I was young was to a missionary to AIDS children in Africa. And that was the only option. Nothing else mattered. I considered seminary school or getting some sort of degree, but never thought nursing. However, like always God had something else planned.

So I found myself sitting in the adviser's office the end of sophomore year in high school debating whether to take 3D art or video communications internship. Both which I loved and would gladly take. Good ole' high school screwed up my schedule and I was given CNA (certified nursing assistant) class. Yeah what is that is what I was thinking. Oh and don't forget it begins two weeks early than all my other courses, is at a different high school, and is super early in the morning :( But I obeyed and began classes at our rival school. So every morning I would get into my run down mini van that had 15 inch subs in the back and a spray paint paint job. Of course the convenience of playing sports I had to wear my jersey on game days. Yeah, not so much fun when you attend your rival school wearing a jersey they hate. So you can image I was welcomed with open arms, NOT! I continued in this course with no problems and while junior year was ending I was going to test for my CNA. Right before classes ended my teacher pulled me into her office. I thought, what did I do this time! She told me that she had put my name into another nursing program at EVIT (a technical school for high school drop outs). I had no idea what she was talking about or what a LPN (License Practical Nurse) was. But i received the information and reviewed it. I received my CNA that summer and worked one 12 hour shift. I disliked it greatly and decided to see what the LPN program had to offer.

Again this program began before all my other classes. A freakin' month early! So going into senior year I attended a meeting about the program and left telling my mom I didn't to spend time actually trying senior year and I had no interest in the program. Yet again God stepped in! I was one of 19 students selected for this program and it was put on my schedule. It was too late in the summer to change to electives so I began class a month early. Not knowing what I got myself into we were studying medication conversions for 6 hours a day 4 days a week. Talk about a summer :( We took our exam and only 17 students continued. I was given a week off and then senior year began. Time flew between LPN college courses, senior classes, basketball, leading younglife, leading youth group, working, and living life. I had to quit basketball because my knee couldn't handle it, plus the commute from clinicals in scrubs and changing into my jersey to arrive just as a game began wasn't working.

Senior year was coming to an end and the LPN course ended a month early so what would a typical senior high school do. Stay with just two high school classes and coast through the rest of the year. Of course NOT. I went immediately into my pre-reqs for college. Three graduations later I was enrolled in a full load for summer. Don't be fooled. I didn't slow down there. My first official college term I took 18 credits in the classroom and another 9 online. Yeah I was 17. Somehow I found time to text for state boards to get my LPN. I passed. I began working as a nurse and EKG tech. Figured out two jobs, leading younglife, 26 college credits, and having a social life wasn't working. So I quit the EKG position. Completing a few more terms I was placed back into the RN (Registered Nurse) program. Graduating May 2009 with my Associated in Applied Science RN. Of course a break is not necessary. So I went directly into the RN to BSN program (Bachelors of Nursing Science). Of course it has to be the accelerated program. Coming to a close I have a few short months left and I will soon have my BSN-RN.

Thinking back now I went from an art kid to a nurse and now I am going to work at a camp. There almost seems to be logic behind that...NOT! But here is the real deal. It is not in my hands. My life is not my own. I refuse to take credit for these series of events and the results that have occurred. Do not think that I am not appreciative of them. I am. God knows I am (literally). But it was not my design. Not my plan. However God knows me well (duh, He created you!). I love nursing and would not change my profession for anything!!! But I still have no idea what the future actually holds for me or where I will be in a year, 5 years, or 10!

I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back tot he place from which I sent you into exile. Jeremiah 29: 11-14